This one has been a long time coming! When my husband and I got married this guy was just a kid...not even in high school yet? Now he is a senior. Time really seems to go faster the older I get!
This couple is awesome! I used to work with this fantastic girl and I don't think she could have married a better guy (except my husband of course :)They were great sports and although I am sure they were tired, they happily agreed to let me play. So, these are just some experimental night photos and me, just playing around with different available light, though the street lights were a terrible yellow-orange. I'd love to try it out again sometime (minus the orangy lights)...hint hint...anyone?
And this one, so not my idea, and theirs looked so much cooler...but this one looks a little cool, right? Maybe a teensy bit?
One for Blake and Brooke...Their wedding is coming up in October...great month for a wedding (just happens to be the month I got married...) More fun ones from them soon to come!
What a sweetheart this little one is. After having a boy I've only wanted more boys...but then I see the cute clothes girls have...and just how sweet and precious they are...maybe I could handle a girl :)
Tosha LOOK! This was the first picture I took of this beautiful family...and don't they look perfect? They do. Such a beautiful family, just adorable little girls!More to come...sorry for all these one here and there posts...I'm just slightly busy!
P.S. Sometimes Blogger gives my photos a saturated look...their skin really isn't as redish orangy as it may look here on the blog...Does anyone know a trick to fixing that? Hmmm. I know I've said it before but it's bugging me again.
I have a lot coming up so get ready. I'm not even sure who looks at this anymore... but whoever happens to stumble upon my blog, WELCOME and enjoy a sweet baby today. She was adorable, and her mom, beautiful! You wouldn't even know she had a baby 6 weeks ago! There will be more from these two later. I hope you are all having a WONDERFUL Saturday. The weather is gorgeous here in why am I in here on the computer?! I'm outta here!
Here are some more of my beautiful cousin and her handsome husband from the Medford Temple. As I am finishing up these weddings I may post more photos...I just can't help myself sometimes...
These two were SOOO in love!! So perfect for each other. I set a record of number of pictures taken in one session with their engagements, and now a new record with their wedding! Here are just a few from them this past weekend.